MacAnLeister Highlands has available the following highlands, AI Straws, Embryos and other items.
Are you looking to purchase a highland?
Please let us know what you are after. Anything we have for sale is usually allocated early... so don't miss out! We are happy to put you on our waiting list!
Highlands for sale
Please contact us for further information via the website or email us at

1x Embryo's currently available
What a combination!! How would you like to get a head start to breeding your own registerable highland calves? We have one remaining of our FiB embryo's with the following breeding:
​D: Millie Bow of MacAnLeister to S: Dawson Arrow of MacAnLeister
They are not heifer sexed! Both sire and dam are of fully imported bloodlines (FiB) and are registerable with the Australian Highland Cattle Society Inc.
Both have been tested free of Myostatin nt821
~Dawson is your 2023 Australian Highland Cattle Society Inc National Show - Grand Champion Bull and Supreme Exhibit~
Please contact us for further information via the website or email us at
Semen Straws
Dawson Arrow of MacAnLeister (AI) 9327
~Available in Australia and USA~
Are you are about to commence your AI program and are looking for a bull? Please contact us for pricing and questions relating availability.